Spotlight Inventor - Tyler Patterson

Meet Tyler Patterson

Inventor of Hot and Cold Spots

Describe your invention in five words or less:  

1. Safe 2. Simple 3. Unique 4. Convenient 5. Helpful. 

Why did you create your invention? 

To make eating, cooking, and serving more comfortable also to make a better life for my family.

What would you do if you became successful? 

I would help others as much as possible and at the same time I would set bigger and better goals for myself and for my family as one to accomplish and strive for.

How do you spend your free time?

I spend my free time hanging out with my daughter. Also working out and thinking of the next best thing to invent and help me and my family be successful.

What’s a skill you’d like to learn, and why? 

I would like to learn how to run a business from the ground up because one day I know that I Will have a business of my own to run. 

What is your strongest personal quality?  

My loyalty. 


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