For Sale By Inventor encourages and helps its clients to do as much as possible for themselves. It is thrilling to see an idea come alive. However, when obstacles arise, For Sale By Inventor can call upon their combined expertise with Cramer Patent & Design to provide inventors with all their prototyping needs. Services include:

  • component sourcing;
  • product design;
  • technical consultation & counseling;
  • non-circumvention contracts;
  • full or scale model making;
  • 2-D and 3-D CAD graphics;
  • drafting;
  • proof-of-concept prototypes;
  • production-ready prototypes;
  • patent – prototype reconciliation.

A commercialized invention idea is more than just a good idea; it must be well designed in terms of low manufacturing costs, ease of use, efficiencies of raw materials, eye appeal and functionality. Because For Sale By Inventor provides small-entity inventors with a turnkey process of professional legal, technical and marketing services, For Sale By Inventor’s prototype services are significantly less expensive. And most importantly, it will be built in accordance with your patent and to your satisfaction.