Story Behind the Invention
Inventor Deliala L. Carleton-Harris of Hager City, WI has created a line of food storage containers with an integrated water/ice storage reservoir to help keep food cold.
There are many instances when it is necessary to keep food cold when away from the home refrigerator. Perhaps the most typical use is that of packing food for lunches while at work or school. Some may have the luxury of a refrigerator at work to keep food cold, but many have to rely on coolers, ice packs, or similar solutions which are messy, large, and time consuming. Those who do nothing with refrigerated food for hours run the risk of bacteria growth, and possible food poisoning. Inventor Carleton-Harris has created a means by which small portions of food can be safely kept cold for periods of several hours.
This clever new invention allows items to stay cold without the use of a refrigerator, cooler, or ice. Should the invention develop a leak over time, the water inside is non-toxic. The device keeps food safe to eat. Food or medicine stays cold for several hours. It is great for lunches, camping, picnicking, or tailgating. The use of the Water Filled Double Walled Food Storage Containers allow for keeping food cold on-the-go, in a manner that is not only quick, easy, and effective, but safe as well.