Walker Cover

This invention weatherproof coverfor a walker or rollator. It also allowsuse of the device while in a covered or protected state.

  • Protects Assistance Devices From Inclement Weather
  • Prevents Damage To The Walker
  • Does Not Impact Usage Or Functionality
  • Slips Over The Top
  • Multiple Styles To Fit All Makes And Models



Story Behind the Invention

Inventor Elizabeth M. L. Wallace of Peterborough, ON has designed a handyweatherproof cover for a walker or rollator.

Handicappedpeople confined to using walkers or rollators are faced with obstacles on adaily basis that most of us take for granted. Fortunately, the public is becoming increasingly aware of thedifficulties they face and have made provisions to accommodate the physicallyhandicapped so that they may gain access to the various goods and services availableto others.  Unfortunately, there arestill many obstacles to overcome, mostly in the form of poor weatherconditions.  Rain, snow, and otherinclement weather pose a hazard to various surfaces, finishes, and operatingcomponents on walkers and rollators.  Ofcourse, they can be kept out of such weather conditions, but doing so severelyrestricts ones lifestyle.  Inventor Wallace has created a cover that willsufficiently protect these assistance devices from inclement weather, whilealso affording users the ability to use the device with the cover in place.

This clever newinvention simply slips over the top of the assistance device to offerunbeatable protection from the elements. It does not impact the usage or functionality of the walker so that onecan use their walker at any time.  Also,the invention is available in multiple styles to fit all makes and models ofdevices.  The use of the Walker Cover not only ensuresthat walkers or rollators remain protected from harsh elements such as snow andrain, but ensures that they remain usable as well.

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