Story Behind the Invention
Inventor Veronica Porteros De Luz of Dewinton, AB has created a sun visor for motor vehicles that darkens automatically depending on the intensity of sunlight.
Conventional sun visors are folded down as far as necessary to block the offending light from bright skies and sunlight. However, once the light is blocked, vision is blocked as well. Other vehicles, traffic control devices, pedestrians, and street signs can all be blocked too. This is a major safety hazard. It not only impacts the occupants of the vehicle, but everyone sharing the streets with the vehicle as well. Inventor De Luz has created a means by which a vehicle sun visor can block excess sunlight and glare, but not affect vision and safety.
This clever new invention protects eyes from harmful sun glare. The device will not block ones view. As the sunlight level increases, the visor continues to darken. A panel extends off the bottom edge of the visor to provide even more coverage, which is helpful for when the sun is low in the sky. It is a great aftermarket accessory. The use of the UV Responsive Sun Visor provides for the reduction of sun glare without the reduction of vision, in a manner which is quick, easy, and effective.