Ultimate Family Rack

The Ultimate Family Rack is a door rack with hooks made for convenience.

  • Downward “V”-Shaped Rack
  • Keeps Rooms Tidy
  • For Use by Children and Adults
  • Available in Various Colors
  • Easy to Manufacture


Design Patent #D758,754.

Story Behind the Invention

Inventor Jason J. Appleby of Sherwood Park, AB has created a door rack with hooks made for convenience.

Inventor Applebys motivation to create the Ultimate Family Rack came to him after being the last one to shower at night. With five kids, he had a lot of towels to pick up. He was inspired to create a rack that would make it easier for his children to be able to reach so they could pick up after themselves. He knew that this product would not only be useful for kids, but adults would find it practical, too.

This clever new invention is a downward V- shaped rack. It keeps rooms tidy. Three levels of hooks make it great for children and adults. The rack is available in various colors to match any dcor. It is strong and durable. It is easy to manufacture. The use of the Ultimate Family Rack keeps towels and other objects off the floor in a manner which is quick, easy, and effective.

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