Story Behind the Invention
Iinventor Chris St. Clair of Wausau, WI has created a means to protect flat screen televisions from being damaged.
Todays home video game systems are more popular than ever, particularly, the Nintendo Wii console with its innovative wireless game controllers. The controller utilizes the motion of the users hand and arm to generate movements on screen, requiring rapid and aggressive movement of the controller, which may result in it being accidentally thrown across the room. Should the controller strike the screen of a newer plasma or LCD flat screen television, damage will most likely result,costing hundreds of dollars to repair or replace. Inventor St.Clair has developed a safe and effective means for an increased level of protection for expensive flat screen televisions.
This clever new invention protects the television screen surface from damage in the form of a sheet of clear Plexiglas that covers the entire television screen. To eliminate glare, the Plexiglas will be covered in an anti-glare material. Also, the invention is easily applied and removed using a clamping bracket system that adapts to all television makes and models. The use of the Television Flat Screen Protective Panel provides a means by which flat screen televisions can be protected from flying objects.