Story Behind the Invention
Inventor James Winston Honnell of Prescott,AR has developed a wood splitting systemwith both transportability and increased functionality.
Firewood from cut trees is usedacross the world every day for various purposes. In order to use wood for burning, it must besplit before being put in the fire. Acommon method of splitting the wood is with the use of a hydraulic powered woodsplitter, which while this is quick, it does allow the split wood to fall oneither side of the machine. The usermust repeatedly lift the larger pieces of wood back up onto the machine foradditional splitting. Even whenfinished, smaller sections of wood remain on the ground to be picked up forstacking or to be transported elsewhere. Inventor Honnell has created ameans to make the splitting process easier to save time and energy.
This clever new invention splitsalmost any size tree trunk which can be easily loaded from the ground to thesplitting area with the included boom assembly. It features a hydraulic powered wood splitting system powered by aninternal combustion engine which includes operator controls on both sides. Surrounding the system is a large surface toprevent split wood pieces from falling. Also, the trailer hitch allows it to be easily pulled by mostvehicles. The use of the Trailer-Mounted Table Wood Splitter allowswood logs to be quickly and easily split into firewood with the convenience ofa large work surface at the users disposal.