The Fly Cage

The invention is a chemical free trap that catches flies and other insects.

  • Black Lure Catches Biting Flies
  • Collapsible Housing Includes Fabric Cover
  • Weather Resistant
  • Barns/Outdoors Use
  • Easy Insect Removal

Story Behind the Invention

Inventor Thomas James Pray of Eliot,ME, has developed a collapsible fly-trappingdevice that effectively attracts and traps biting flies; namelygreenhead flies, deer flies, horse flies, yellow flies, etc.

Bitingflies are a major nuisance in many areas of the country, and can bedownright intolerable at times. Inventor Prayhas come up with an effective way to attract and trap these flyinginsects with a baitless and collapsible insect trap.

Thisclever new invention is fully collapsible and easy to deploy;lightweight yet sturdy enough to withstand the outdoor elements. Itis chemical free and features a dark-colored baitless lure thatattracts biting flies. The collapsible housing includes a fabriccover and an entrapment and containment space, which allows for easyinsect removal. Use of the The Fly Cagecombines portability and durability for convenience that isunmatched.

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