Remote Controlled Pet Toy

This invention is a remote controlled motorizedtoy for pets that moves about a floor area with removable outer shells.

  • For Dogs, Cats, And Similar Pets 
  • Good Source of Exercise 
  • Powered By Batteries 
  • Additional Snap On Bodies Available 
  • Safe For Pet & Owner

Story Behind the Invention

InventorDouglas Andrew Stockwell of Orlando, FLhas designed an entertaining and interactive toy for pet owners to use withtheir pets.

Pet owners ofanimals such as dogs and cats would agree that they require more than justfood, water, and shelter, but they also require exercise and emotionalnecessities such as companionship and love. One of the most beneficial sources of these needs is simply when one isactively playing with their pet.  Most playtimeactivities consist of playing fetch with a dog or chasing around a smallobject with a cat.  Both of thesescenarios quickly become tiresome for both the pet and owner and playtime quicklyends.  Inventor Stockwell has created a pet toy that is more stimulating for boththe pet and its owner.

This clever new inventionprovides a fun source of exercise for dogs, cats, and similar pets.  It is easy to control and is safe for boththe pet and the owner.  Similar to otherremote controlled devices, the invention is powered by batteries.  Additional snap-on bodies are available invarious shapes to allow the user to change the appearance of the toy.  The use of the RemoteControlled Pet Toy is a quick and easy way to allow forincreased realism of pet toys and increased fun for owners.

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