Driving Mechanism for Radio-Controlled Toy Vehicles

The invention is a radio-controlled toy vehicle.

  • Large Wheels For Rough Terrain
  • Independently Driven Wheels For Tight Turning
  • Proportional Controls For Easier Maneuvering
  • Great For Radio-Controlled Toy Enthusiasts
  • Fun & Easy To Use


Utility Patent # 8,562,387

Story Behind the Invention

Inventor Gary R. Henthorne of Vanzant, MO has developed a new style of radio-controlled vehicle.

The toy industry is a multibillion dollar, global industry that is continually growing as more and more products are developed and introduced to the buying public. The toy industry is somewhat unique in the sense that it is highly susceptible to trendy products or fads. This is most likely due to the fact that children fall easily to peer pressure and, as a result, when a toy product achieves a certain level of popularity among children, demand can skyrocket. Today, some of these toys simply consist of an improved version of a classic toy. Inventor Henthorne has created a new toy that makes use of this idea.

This clever new invention has proportional controls for easier maneuvering and independently driven wheels for tight turning. It has large wheels to tackle rough terrain and is great for radio-controlled toy enthusiasts. Most importantly, the invention is fun and easy to use for all. The use of the Driving Mechanism for Radio-Controlled Toy Vehicles introduces a new line of radio-controlled vehicles, which are functional and fun to use.

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