Quick-Release Battery Terminal Connection

The invention is a quick-release electrical connector forcharging large batteries on motorized vehicles.

  • Polarized 
  • Two Pole Keyed Connector 
  • Eight Gauge Conventional Wire 
  • Requires No Hand Tools 
  • Reduces Accidental Shorting of Battery

Story Behind the Invention

InventorDavid Richardet, Jr of Chester, ILhas developed a patent pending quick-release electrical connector for largebatteries on motorized vehicles.

Risks associatedwith accessing or removing large batteries in motor vehicles include: shortingthe battery across the poles with the tool, resulting in sparks; welding thetool to the battery; or possibly even an explosion.  Inventor Richardethas improved the battery terminal connector so that it quickly and easilyattaches and disconnects.

This clever newinvention is a two-pole keyed connector with eight gauge conventional wire foruse with large vehicle batteries.  Itreduces accidental shorting of the battery and requires no hand tools.  It is designed for use with consumer cars andtrucks, yet is capable for use with ATVs, motorcycles, golf carts, boats,etc.  Ideal for use with suchrecreational vehicles, the invention also provides an accessory wire used toconnect common electrical devices.  Useof the Quick-Release Battery TerminalConnection allows for quick and easy access and disconnect ofall types of large batteries.

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