Prescription Sunglasses with Clear Bifocals

A pair of prescription bifocals in which the distance portion of the lens is tinted for sunglass use, but the near portion of the lens remains clear.

  • For Use in Outdoor Environments
  • Appears as a Conventional Pair of Sunglasses
  • Provides Maximum Protection Against Bright Sunlight and UV Rays
  • Also Allows Close Viewing of Text and Small Objects Without Being Encumbered by Dark Tinting
  • Eliminates Having to Carry Multiple Pairs of Glasses


Utility Patent - 11,630,328

Story Behind the Invention

Inventor Tara L. LaMontagne of Bradenton, FL has developed a pair of prescription bifocals in which the distance portion of the lens is tinted for sunglass use, but the near portion of the lens remains clear. Additionally, prescription sunglasses with clear bifocal lenses.

After undergoing cataract surgery and correcting her astigmatism, Tara faced challenges while driving. The brightness was overwhelming, forcing her to wear sunglasses. Yet, with just her sunglasses, she couldnt clearly see her cars dashboard. This led to a constant struggle of switching between her sunglasses and bifocals, which was inconvenient and frustrating.

While tinted prescription bifocals are available to shield the eyes from harsh sunlight, the tint on the close-up portion of the lens makes it hard to read text in books, outdoor menus, or a dashboard. Tara felt there had to be a better solution. In turn, she was inspired to create the Sunglasses with Clear Bifocals and the Prescription Sunglasses with Clear Bifocals! Now, they are ready for market!

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