Story Behind the Invention
Inventor Cleopatrick Cherry of Montogmery, AL has designed an apparatus that shields andprotects the dirt of a potted plant in an effort to keep pets and children out.
Potted plantsand flowers are a welcomed addition to almost any home interior. Their vibrant colors combined with theirunique appearance can accent the decor of any room in the house. However, they quickly attract the attentionof pets and even young children, who cannot resist the temptation of playing ordigging in the dirt. This is especiallya problem with cats that may use plants as a litter box. InventorCherry has created a means by whichpotted plants can be placed anywhere in the interior of home without the worryof young children or pets having access to the dirt.
Thisclever new invention can be made available in different diameters and colors tomatch any dcor. While ideal for indooruse the invention may also be used outside to keep animals out. Finally, the invention allows floors toremain looking there best as they remain free from dirt. The use of the PottedPlant Pet Shield provides a means to care for and enjoypotted plants in the interior of ones home without worry that children andpets will disturb them.