Water Faucet Temperature Gauge and Display

The invention is a solar powered digital temperaturegauge for water faucets that measures the water temperature as itexits from the faucet.

  • WaterproofDisplay
  • Reads BothFahrenheit and Celsius
  • Adapts to AllFaucets
  • Backlit for Useat Night
  • Prevents Burnsand Scalds

Story Behind the Invention

Inventor Craig Watson of CastroValley, CA has developed a solar powereddigital temperature gauge for water faucets that measures the watertemperature as it exits from the faucet.

Ofcourse, human skin is not an accurate measurement of temperature andthus short of using a thermometer to measure the water temperatureeach time, variances in water temperatures will certainly exist. Additionally, the dangers of burns or scalding certainly exist aswell should the temperatures be too high. Accordingly, there existsa need for a means by which the temperature of water leaving a faucetcan easily and accurately be determined. The development of theWater Faucet Temperature Gauge and Display fulfills this need.

Thisclever new invention features a backlit waterproof display that readsboth Fahrenheit and Celsius. The use of the Water FaucetTemperature Gauge and Display assures the use of adequatelyheated water to comply with sanitation requirements, and reduces theoccurrence of burns and scalds as well.

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