Easy Release Planter’s Pot

The invention is an easily removable potting container used for starting and growing small trees and shrubs. To use, simply remove the pot from the roots of a tree or shrub, replant it and watch it grow.

  • Used In Nurseries to Begin Growing Process
  • Easy Grip Finger Holes
  • Increases Chances of Plant Survival
  • Ideal for Transplanting Plants & Trees
  • No Blades or Tools Required


Design Patent D674,724

Story Behind the Invention

Inventor David A. Caccavari of Burlington,NC has designed an easily removable potting container used forstarting and growing small trees and shrubs.

Shrubsand trees are a welcomed addition to almost any outdoor landscapingproject. Their vibrant colors combined with their unique liveappearance often form the centerpiece of most architecturallandscaping. Most of these trees or shrubs begin their life in aplastic pot from which they are transported when they are largeenough. This transplant process requires the user to lift the plantout of the pot, which can subject it to damage or shock. It alsorequires a great deal of physical strength. Another option is to cutthe pot away once it is in the hole, but such actions require the useof dangerous utility knives in close quarters, which is not alwayseasy or safe. Also, the knife blade may cut and damage the roots, tothe point of even killing the plant. Inventor Caccavarihas created a means by which the plastic pots used with trees andshrubs can be easily and safely removed.

This clever new invention can be used in nurseries to begin thegrowing process. It features easy grip finger holes and sideperforation for easy plant removal. The pot is ideal fortransplanting plants and trees, and eliminates the use of blades andother sharp tools. The use of the Easy ReleasePlanter's Pot allows for the transplanting of a trees,shrubs, and similar large plants in a manner which is not only quick,easy, and effective, but safe.

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