Story Behind the Invention
The game of golf has become onethe most technologically advanced sports in the world today. Experts in science and physics have combinedstate of the art materials with ergonomic and aerodynamic principles in orderto produce golf clubs and golf balls that produce more accurate andconsistently longer golf shots. Otheradvances in material technology, computer modeling, and even satellite trackinghave made golfing fun and one of the fastest growing sports as well. As a result of such popularity, many peopleare joining the ranks of the playing public.
Inventor Joshua Torrance of Fredonia, NY, has developed a clever innovation thatis a golf ball dispenser attachment for the exterior surface of a golf bag thatis capable of holding six golf ballsa typical number for a round of play.
The GolfPackage Dispenser for Golf Bag is a golf ball dispenser that attachesto the exterior surface of a golf bag, which is upright, rectangular, andcapable of holding 6 golf balls. Thedispenser is made of a durable yet flexible plastic material. Stored balls areadded to the top of the dispenser through an upper opening. The balls can eitherbe inserted one at a time or in as-purchased quantities. In use, to remove agolf ball, one would force the lowest ball up through a flexible retaining tab,thus releasing the ball through a bottom aperture. The dispenser would beattachable to a golf bag using a hook-shaped fixture or other fastening meansand would be provided as either original or add-on equipment for a golf bag.