Story Behind the Invention
Inventor John Emerson Abbuhl of Bradenton, FL has designed a detachable hinge assembly for a toilet seat and/or lid when it is in a vertical position.
It is not an uncommon occurrence to have a toilet seat or lid fall from its opened or lifted position. Such occurrences generally happen when the toilet seat/lid is oversized, padded, or provided with a fabric covering. These modifications prevent the toilet seat from resting at an inclined angle upon the toilet tank. Problems generally arise when male users have to hold the lid in a lifted position while utilizing the toilet. Accordingly, there exists a need for a means by which all toilet seats/lids can be modified in such a manner that they remain in a lifted or open position without being held. Inventor Abbuhl has created a means by which all toilet seats and lids can be modified in such a manner that they remain lifted without being held.
This clever new invention is perfect for any style of toilet, in fact it can even be retrofitted to the toilet you already have at home. With the invention in place the lid will remain in a raised position, which will reduce male frustration and create family harmony. The use of the Offset Bracket for a Toilet Seat allows for the stabilization of a toilet seat/lid in a lifted position in a manner which is quick, easy, and effective.