Story Behind the Invention
Inventor Stewart C. Sparks of Jeffersonville, KY has created an apparatus designed to secure empty or lightly loaded trash cans and prevent toppling via animals or wind.
The task of taking out the trash is one that most people do not enjoy. One must endure smelly trash, leaking bags, flies, and other undesirable circumstances while taking trash out to the trash can. One faucet of this task that is particularly annoying is the fact that many cans, especially when empty, tend to blow over in the yard, get run over and damaged by passing traffic, or just generally become lost. Sometimes one will arrive home to find the cans nowhere in sight and must search the neighborhood for them. Other problems arise when dogs or other animals knock over trash cans to get food scraps that have been disposed of. Inventor Sparks has created a means by which trash cans can be prevented from being knocked over by wind or animals.
This clever new invention has metal support plates on can bottom. A magnet attaches to ground via long spike. It is great for plastic trash cans. It keeps cans out of the street and increases aesthetic qualities of a yard. The use of the Magnetic Trash Can Anchor provides a quick and easy way to retain empty trash cans and prevent animal access in a manner that is quick, easy, and effective.