Story Behind the Invention
Inventor Rudolph Joseph Konecny, III ofSt. Croix Falls, WI hasdesigned a combined storage and carrying container for powered iceaugers.
Agreat number of people around the world enjoy fishing. Whetherfishing for food or for the sport of it, the calmness and serenity ofthe great outdoors coupled with the excitement of landing the bigone makes fishing a popular pastime. One particular type offishing that has gained popularity in recent years is that of icefishing; however, in order to ice fish one must make a hole in theice. Many fisherman resort to powered augers, which make cutting ahole a relatively easy task. Unfortunately, such tools arerelatively large and expensive, and therefore need proper care sothat they last a long time. However, such tools spend the majorityof their life bouncing around the back of truck, or simplyaccumulating dirt in a garage or storage shed. Inventor Konecnyhas created a means by which ice augers can be protected from damageand dirt when not in use.
This clever new invention has ergonomic handles, and is perfectlybalanced for easy carrying. Additionally, the auger will remainsecure with foam inserts as it bounces around the back of a pickuptruck. Finally, the invention will hold powered ice augers ofvarying shapes and sizes. The use of the IceAuger Case provides ease of transportation andprotection of an ice auger in a manner which is easy and effective.