Story Behind the Invention
InventorMark David Temprine of Salisbury, MDhas developed an invention called the Hunting Arrow with PhosphorescentIndicator. It is a hunting arrow that isprovided with phosphorescent vanes to aid in location and retrieval duringnight time hours.
When a bow hunter strikes his game, depending upon the accuracy of thehunters shot, several things could happen. The game could run and the hunter never catches up to it, or the woundedanimal could be attacked by other wild animals, ruining the meat. As arrows are becoming increasinglyexpensive, loss of an arrow can be a very costly proposition. Accordingly, the need has developed for ameans by which bow hunters can track their arrows in a quick and accuratemanner during night time or diminished light hours. The development of the Hunting Arrow with PhosphorescentIndicator fulfills this need.
This clever newinvention is an arrow tracking aid that features self-luminescent vanes. It notonly has a phosphorescent paint coating that enhances day or night visibility, butalso saves time and money. The use of theHunting Arrow With Phosphorescent Indicatorprovides hunters the opportunity to locate hunting arrows easily at any time ofthe day or night.