Hide-The-Word Game

The object of the Hide-The-Word Game is to accumulate the most stars and crowns by quoting Bible verses selected from various stacks of cards.

  • Best with 2-6 Players
  • Ages 4 and Up
  • Helps with Memorizing Bible Verses
  • In Full Game, Player Who Reaches the End First Wins
  • In Short Game, Player with the Most Stars and Crowns Wins

Story Behind the Invention

Inventor Donald R. Campbell of Newmarket, ON has created the Hide-The-Word Game. The object is to accumulate the most stars and crowns and move around the game board by quoting Bible verses selected from various stacks of cards containing scriptures.

One player acts as the judge and checks the quotes, issues the stars and crowns, helps the players keep score, and directs the flow of the game. Each player chooses a talent to play with from the selection provided. The player to the right of the judge begins by selecting a verse card from the Old Testament or New Testament stacks. The card is handed face-down to the judge. The judge then asks the player to quote the verse indicated on the card. If the player cannot quote the verse, they can ask for a hint from the judge. If the player correctly quotes the verse, they are rewarded with the stars and crowns indicated on the card. The player moves their talent the number of places the card indicates and selects a new card from the stack. The old card is placed on the bottom of the appropriate stack. If the player cannot quote the verse on the card even with a hint, the judge tells the player to Hide-the-Word (memorize it) for when it is their turn again. If the player correctly quotes the verse during their next turn, they receive the stars and crowns indicated and can continue as normal. If not, the player is given the verse card to memorize again. A player must drop out of the game after three failed attempts to Hide-the-Word and quote the verse. Play continues counter-clockwise.

This clever new game is best with 2-6 players. It is for ages 4 and up. It helps with memorizing Bible verses. In the full game, the winner is the player that reaches the end first. In the short game, the player with the most stars and crowns wins. The winner becomes the judge for the next game!

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