Story Behind the Invention
Inventor Steven R. Swind of Clearwater, FL has created an apparatus to aid in the lifting, handling, and especially the displaying of caught game fish to thirty pounds.
Many products have hit the market, allowing fishermen to catch more and bigger fish. However, once the fish have been caught, they must be picked up and moved. This movement is necessary when taking them off the hook, moving them into a cooler, picking them up for cleaning, and especially when taking photographs.
This new tool will allow a fisherman to move their catch without the need to touch it. This can be accomplished by sliding the rod through the gill plate and out the mouth of a fish. Many people find it gross to handle a slimy fish. Others find it dangerous, especially while handling game fish with razor sharp jaws or teeth.
This clever new invention allows the user to safely handle up to thirty pounds of dangerous salt water game fish. The device can also be used for catch and release fishing; simply by pulling the rod out of the handle, reversing the ends, and using the blunt end. The pointy end is for aiding in the insertion of the rod under the gill plate of iced down fish. The use of the Game Fish Stabilizerallows any fishermen to safely pick up and move or display caught fish in a manner which is not only easy and effective, but safe as well.