Story Behind the Invention
Inventors Wayne A. Silver and Jesse Silver of CountyHarbor, NS have designed anoutdoor table that provides a stable surface for eating and drinking.
Very few leisure time activities rivalthat of spending a warm summer day at the beach. However, the lack of a convenient horizontalsurface makes many activities difficult. Activities, such as eating, require people to balance food or paperplates on their legs or beach towel hoping that no sand will contaminate thefood. This same problem exists in otheroutdoor environments as well. Whilesmall tables can be placed upon such grades, their uneven nature quickly causesthe legs to become unbalanced. The Inventorshave created a means by which a convenient horizontal surface can be providedin outdoor environments to facilitate eating and other activities.
Thisclever new invention is ideal for camping and the beach. It keeps food more sanitary and decreases thenumber of spills. The table can easilybe inserted in sand, snow or dirt. Additionally, the invention is convenient since the legs fold in foreasy transport and storage. The use ofthe Folding Table with Receiving Apertures providesusers with a very stable horizontal surface for purposes of item storage,eating, or other similar activities in an outdoor environment.