Story Behind the Invention
Inventors Shawn C. Landry and Amanda J. Davidson have created a way for holiday lights to remain up year round.
Outdoor decorative lighting is often used to adorn structural elements such as roof lines and overhangs on homes and other buildings. While such lighting displays are certainly eye appealing and festive, they take a long time to set up. They also take a long time to take down and store away properly. This leads to many displays being left up for months on end, much to the dismay of neighbors. Additionally, the putting up and taking down of lights typically requires the use of a ladder which is a safety issue, especially when coupled with inclement weather, and people not used to using ladders on a daily basis. Inventors Landry and Davidson have created a means by which holiday lights can be utilized and enjoyed by just flipping a switch!
This clever new invention allows lights to be displayed only for the holiday season, during special occasions, or in urgent situations to help emergency personnel find the home. The invention is very discrete. It eliminates the need to climb on dangerous ladders to hang lights. It is for residential or commercial lighting displays. It is available for new and existing homes and businesses.