Story Behind the Invention
Inventor Vajai Sooknanan of RichmondHill, NY has designed different trays that can go on eitherthe short end or long end of scaffolding.
Bakerstyle scaffolding is extremely useful in the construction andmaintenance industries. It provides a stable elevated work surfacethat is safe and easy to erect. More often than not, workers on suchscaffolding are required to use various tools. However, with thescaffolding being relatively small, there is no suitable location toplace tools other than the floor. This poses several problems. First, when the tool is needed, it is out of reach on the floor. Second, such tools pose a tripping hazard that can be especiallydangerous at elevated work levels. Finally, such tools can easily bekicked over the side where they can fall on workers below. InventorSooknanan has created a means by which tools andother supplies used on baker style scaffolding can be easily storedand accessed.
This clever new invention is a large flat surface design to hold bothlarge and small tools. It improves work flow, and decreases thenumber of trips made to ground level. Additionally, the inventioncan act as a safety guard rail. The use of the BakerScaffold Tool Rest allows workers using scaffoldingthe ability to accomplish their work in a manner that is not onlyquick, easy, and effective, but safe as well.