Break Away Valve for IV’s

The invention is a break away IV fitting designed to eliminate loss of an intravenous (IV) site on a patients arm.

  • Prevents Accidental Dislodgement
  • Ideal for Hospital Use
  • Allows Freedom of Movement
  • Both Ends Seal Shut when Disconnected
  • Improves Overall Patient Health

Story Behind the Invention

Intravenous medicines have greatly enhanced our quality of life. They are very effective, fast acting, easy to administer, and easy to control. Such medicines are typically inserted via tubing through an IV needle located in the patients arm. The IV is typically held in place with tape or other adhesive covers which form a mostly permanent installation. Unfortunately, IV lines can be accidentally removed or torn out by the patient. On the other hand there may be a need to specifically disconnect the IV, but still keep the setup available for possible future use. Inventor Smith has created a means by which the viability and sterility of an IV line can be maintained should it be intentionally or accidentally disconnected.

This clever new invention prevents accidental dislodgement at the IV site. It allows freedom of movement for the patient, and both ends conveniently seal shut when tubing is disconnected. The use of the invention is ideal for hospitals, and it improves overall patient health. The use of the Break Away Valve for IV's provides a method of securing an IV line in a manner that is safe and sanitary.

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