Story Behind the Invention
Inventor Jordan A. Drahota of Champaign, IL has developed abackup electrical power source for a forced air furnace that produceselectricity from heat fueled thermal chips.
The loss ofelectrical power in our homes has a great impact on us, because almosteverything in the home becomes unusable. One of the biggest dangers occurs in cold climates where the furnacesystem does not work and homes quickly become cold and uninhabitable. To avoid such situations many homeowners havepurchased a standby generator. Whilethese generators are capable of providing an adequate supply of electricalpower, they are often difficult to connect to furnace systems; which is ironic,since this is where their services are needed the most. Inventor Drahotahas developed a way in which uninterruptible electric power can beprovided to furnaces to ensure their continuous operation in the event of apower failure.
This clever new invention has an integral deep cellbattery and automatic AC to battery changeover. It provides furnace withcontinuous power and does not emit any byproducts. The invention can comestandard on new furnaces or can be added on to already existing ones. The use of the GasFurnace Electrical Backup provides for clean, uninterruptiblepower for use on forced air furnaces.