Golf Short Game Practice Apparatus

The invention is a golf training device comprising of a target matrix, stance mat and guide target line by which one can improve his/her short game shots.

  • Indoor Chip Shot Practicing Aid
  • Eliminates Bad Habits & Reinforces Good Ones
  • Provides Accurate & Instant Feedback
  • Perfect for Practicing at Home
  • Portable/Collapsible Stand


Patent #8,216,083

Story Behind the Invention

The game of golf has become one the most technologically advanced sports in the world today. Experts in science and physics have combined state-of-the-art materials with ergonomic and aerodynamic principles in order to produce better golf products. However, practice is always the key. One aspect of the sport which many claim needs improvement is that of their short game, specifically chip shots using the 7 iron through the sand wedge. Typically, such shots must be practiced outdoors, but is simply not possible for many. Additionally, professional instruction is recommend via books, DVDs, or during a golf telecast, which make it nearly impossible to implement and recall lessons during ones game.
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