Story Behind the Invention
Inventor Rhonda M. Hunt of St John's, NL has created an apparatus designed to catch and absorb any male urine resulting from mild incontinence.
Many males suffer for incontinence. While the cases can be many, solutions are few, and those that are available come with unwanted side-effects. Some males turn to incontinence pads, training pants, or adult diapers for relief. However, these solutions carry their own problems, such as being bulky, or they can be clearly seen in outline form under ones clothes. Also, the diapers restrict air movement about the buttocks area, resulting in increased probability for bedsores and rashes for bedridden patients. Additionally, two or more care providers may be necessary to change the diaper of a full-sized adult. Inventor Hunt has created a means by which males suffering from incontinence can be afforded relief without these disadvantages.
This clever new invention catches and retains male urine. It provides the benefits of a diaper but consists of a sheath around the penis. It does not impact air circulation. It prevents accidents and embarrassment. The use of the
Incontinence Device for Males provides males suffering from a mild case of incontience, a means to carry on with their lives, in a manner which is quick, easy, and effective.