Remote Power Strip

InventorSarullos patent pending invention called the Remote Control for MultipleOutlet Power Strip is an electrical power strip with multiple receptacles thatare capable of being collectively or individually powered on or off by awireless controller.

  • Outlets Individually Controlled 
  • Handheld Wireless Controller 
  • Uses RF Signal 
  • Saves Electricity 
  • Eliminates Unplugging Wrong Appliance 
  • Easy Access to Power Strip

Story Behind the Invention

The presence ofelectrical and electronic devices has proliferated in our lives. In many casessuch as with computer systems, entertainment systems, recharging areas, andholiday lights, it is not uncommon to have 5 or more devices competing for oneelectrical outlet thus a power strip is needed. However, a power strip does more than providing additional outlets.   Many appliances such as computers andtelevisions still use electricity even when turned off.  Therefore, money is being spent on appliancesthat are not in use, but when they are plugged into a power strip that is inthe off position power can no longer be drawn from them, which saves money andelectricity. However, many times the power strip is located in a hard to reacharea so many do not attempt to turn it off. Accordingly, there exists a needfor a means by which power strips can be controlled without the requirement ofphysical access. 

Tired of wastingenergy and money, inventor Frank Sarullo from Loxahatchee, Florida developedthe RemotePower Strip a clever innovation that allows the user to controlselected outlets, within the power strip, by remote. Any outlet can be turnedoff, while the other outlets may remain in the on position.

Thisinvention is a multiple outlet power strip with a handheld, wireless remotecontrol which allows for each outlet on the strip to be controlled separatefrom each other. The remote permits you to turn off the device of choice andleave others turned on. Turning off appliances and other devices saveselectricity and money. The use of the Remote Power Strip allows users ofpower strips the ability to quickly and easily turn power strips on and offwithout the requirement of touching.

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