Story Behind the Invention
Inventor Russell Maune of Villa Ridge, MO has created a tool that will actually extend the life of a water heater by many years!
While performing maintenance on rental homes, Inventor Maune was continuously having to clean out the lime sediment from water heaters that had stopped working. Plumbers would tell him that it was time for a new water heater, but he knew the water tanks just needed cleaned! As a maintenance technician for approximately 100 homes, Inventor Maune knows that lime builds up and chokes out an element, causing it to burn out. He tried looking for a tool to assist him but could never find anything suitable. In turn, he decided to take matters into his own hands and create the Water Heater Clean Out Tool. This tool has been tested, adjusted, retested, and now its ready for market!
This clever new product cleans out sediment from water heaters. It saves money on having to buy a new water heater when it isnt necessary. The tool is strong and durable. It is easy to manufacture. Its truly a must-have for every home with a water heater. Any store that sells water heater elements needs to have this tool hanging nearby.
To learn more about the Water Heater Clean Out Tool, or for manufacturing, retail, wholesale, distribution, or licensing opportunities act now!
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