Sqzz Brush

The Sqzz Brush is a new revolutionary way to clean your teeth!

  • Brushes and Lightly Flosses at Same Time
  • Soft Bristles Move Throughout Mouth Quickly and Conveniently
  • Small Pores Release Toothpaste
  • Ready to Use Anywhere, Anytime
  • No Hands, No Toothbrushes Required


Utility Patent #10,165,852

Story Behind the Invention

Inventor William R. Christman of Bettendorf, IA has created a new revolutionary way to clean your teeth!

Shortly after a visit to the dentist, Inventor Christman started thinking about a better and more convenient way to brush ones teeth. It dawned on him that having something like a squeeze brush would allow a person to brush their teeth multiple times a day and having ones mouth do the maneuvering would mean there would be no need to carry around a standard toothbrush, toothpaste, and floss. This is when his idea for the Sqzz Brush was born.

This clever new invention brushes and lightly flosses at the same time. Long and soft bristles move throughout the mouth quickly and conveniently. Small pores release toothpaste or a swallowable dentifrice. The product is ready to use anytime, anywhere. It is hands-free, disposable, and/or reusable. With the Sqzz Brush, users will be able to brush their teeth better than they ever have! To learn more, or for manufacturing, retail, wholesale, distribution, or licensing opportunities act now!


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